How Do I Know if I Am “Gay”?

For the answer to this question, go right. For an answer, go left.

Ambiguous, yes? Confusing? Sure is. Let’s simplify.

There was once a woman who was certain she was “Cancer-Consumed”.

–She was confident that her doctors were wrong when they attempted to assure her that she was cancer-free.

–She got a “right” answer, but she turned left. It was to the left that she could realize her fears and suspicions. She could affirm an identity that she needed to believe.

–She chose the subjectivity of her thoughts and feelings over an objective, scientific fact.

What would you do if this woman came to you for “advice”?

You would probe to find the source of her conflicting data and emotions? Great!

It turns out that this dear lady (32 years of age) did indeed have cancer in her family.

Three Women (from both sides) had cancer treatments in their late seventies and only one died from the disease.

At 32, she had had ample opportunities to:

–visit the internet for “self-diagnosis” based upon social commentary and chat-room “certainties”.

–find another “medical doctor” who would affirm her personal diagnosis over truth.

–collect “friends” who would unilaterally support her preference out of fear that they might be considered “hateful”. These people will even march with rainbow flags as a testament to their “support”.

–find ways to live with the contradiction of truth.

–find a social media and an entire community who would even attack the truth as if IT was the enemy.

Now then, let’s go back to our question, “How Do I Know if I Am “Gay”?

First, using the ubiquitous definition of “gay” as: 

The predisposition, (“born this way”, can’t help myself, not a personal choice) to same-sex attraction and a resulting choice to act on this belief. 

We must find an objective diagnosis.




Where is the doctor who can tell someone definitively of their sexual orientation beyond the obvious physical exam revealing genitalia? These doctors do exist. They allow their “patient” (really a client) to follow through on their suspicions and fears towards a benign, unscientific, in fact anti-scientific, diagnosis of “GAY” or “TRANSGENDER”.

The problems are many.

Homosexuality is not a diagnosable disease—it is an activity.

Homosexual is not a noun—it is a verb.

Homosexuality is not a birthmark—it is a scar.

Homosexuality is not a celebration of contradiction—it is a detour from pain.

Second, in the absence of an objective diagnosis, we must make a hard left towards the subjective world of feigned truth and pretentious support. We shall call this the LGBTQ Movement.

Our young woman was afraid that she had been born preconditioned to have cancer—not BE cancer.

She perhaps believed that she “had cancer from birth”. Even though this thought, and fear was not realized, and all science contradicted her claims as unfounded, she chose to go left and to deny reality for a fantasy. Her fear drove her to such conclusions.

Someone acting out their confusion of sexual orientation and even gender bewilderment may also go left despite objective truth.

Often there is a desperate need for affirmation. This is where I need you to convince me of something of which I cannot (will not) convince myself.  I have to find a way to objectively defy the laws of nature on the way to a supposed “identity” that must by nature be in conflict. I arrange life so that this conflict is no longer my job to eradicate, but that of society and others who will take up such a cause as ethical and moral, despite its subjective claims of normalcy.

The prerequisite for my accepting and loving myself is when you and everyone else who may be “against me”, BY LAW MUST call me what I want to be called and treat me by my insecure feelings so that I may be “secure” in my insecurities. And my insecurities of identity are more significant than your beliefs, personal identity and sensibilities. My insecurities, and how I must defy them, are even more real than science and nature.

I believe I have cancer even though every medical test known to man says otherwise.

I believe I am “gay” even though every objective measurement of science contradicts me.

Should there not be a march and parade for those who BELIEVE themselves to be cancerous or irrevocably adulterous?


–rewrite books of law, medicine, psychology, sociology and biology.

–re structure the educational system and teach children as early as 4 years of age the “new truth” about sexuality and marriage.

–destruct and debunk religious teachings such as from the Judeo-Christian bible.

(we are doing this as I write)

And yes, the United States has capitulated. And yes, we must return to sensible truth from which we have departed, thereby coddling a less-than-two-percent of our populace, along with the percentage of “on-looking” bystanders who are afraid of being called “hateful, homophobic” and the like. And so they offer their impotent, pandering, virtue- signaling philanthropy for the less-than-two-percent.




1–When I believe that human Ethnicity and Sexuality are malleable roles subject to a culture’s preferential treatment and fluid definition.

2–When I may identify as someone other than my biological self and demand that science and truth cow-tow to my contrary belief.

3–When I act on my feelings and attractions to the same-sex at a level of emotional and or physical engagement.


Man, woman, child

This is the nucleus of any hope for normalcy and sanity of life, society and culture.

Homosexual behavior, now celebrated and taught as something to be unilaterally acceptable, is akin to the same teaching and belief that adulterous behavior among heterosexual people is also healthy, positive and beneficial.

What we are all learning is that a law can neither restrict nor affirm what a man or woman may decide in their minds to the contrary.

And punishing offenders of a law does not relieve us of offenders. It further separates and highlights the obvious distinction. Neither does rewarding offenders relieve their consciences, nor assure the peace of mind they seek. Such false and duplicitous acts create even deeper consternation because of heightened internal conflict.

In other words, those creating and promoting the “gay parades” are disconnected from the pain and internal struggles of those acting our their hurt and pains with homosexual or adulterous behaviors. To that level, such “supporters” are benign and even phony. They prefer to be surface in friendship appearance rather than than kind in telling the truth so that an individual might seek true counsel and help.

This is why counselors will tell us that those who are living out their conflicted homosexual behaviors go home from the parades even more unsure while the crowd of sympathizers pat themselves on the back for NOT being “homophobic”. Self-righteousness goes a long way but it offers nothing of value to a child or adult who lives daily with guilt and shame compounded by such well-wishing.

The level of psychological dysfunctions with depression, anxiety and suicide go up, not down, the further we stray from the normalcy of man-woman-child as the nuclear unit for society.

The latest of “gay bashing” and punitive behavior on the part of those who love enough to say that gay activity does not mean that one is “gay” any more than adulterous behavior among heterosexual couples defines them as being “adulterous from birth”, demonstrates our seeming impasse.

Sin-sick mankind abuses children. Relatives scar children for life when they act out their deviant schemes to use others for their gratification. One harmful behavior begets another. Men can use a distorted version of “love” to get sex and women can use a diversionary version of “sex” to obtain love and or money.

Gay-homosexual sex is a distortion that needs compassion and help, not affirmation to the point of celebration, much less a new personal identity–much less the removal of moorings to scientific truth.

“Males in the United States are more likely to take their own life at nearly four times the rate of females and represent 79% of all U.S. suicides. Suicide is the seventh leading cause of death for males in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are at even greater risk for suicide attempts, especially before the age of 25. A study of youth in grades 7-12 found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers. Some risk factors are linked to being gay or bisexual in a hostile environment and the effects that this has on mental health.” —CDC


Hope can be found for all of us living in a world prone to dysfunction and disease, but not while we attack those who offer help or those who need it—Not while we drill spurious holes in the bottom of the boat that keeps us afloat.

“Cancer” does not define or re-define a person anymore than “gay” unless we need it to so badly that we choose to become blind–“the blind leading the blind.”


  1. For starters, I’d like to know what you are using as your definition of “gay.” I would like to comment further after knowing that. Thanks.


  2. Thanks.
    After some Google searching, I found a variety of “official” definitions of “gay. I agree with the the Cambridge Dictionary definition which says (of the adjective): “Gay: sexually attracted to people of the same sex and not to people of the opposite sex:”

    That definition is all about the attraction without any required action. I’m thinking that there are many gay and straight people who for a variety of reasons may never act on their sexual preferences or desires. If what bothers you about gays is their behavior, then I get it, but what makes that noteworthy or any different than any other Bible forbidden behavior? I don’t see where their sin is worse than anybody else’s. I mean if everybody is damned until saved, why pick on one group as being worse? Who has the authority to determine that? Is anybody else reading this or should we just talk over lunch? LOL


  3. Hi Over.
    Little effort was made to avoid the words bible, Christian and all things religious as I wrote this blog on the subject of homosexuality. If Christians want to use the bible for their own sense of morality on any given subject, then so be it. But non-Christians mostly have little interest in what someones “bible” has to say about their behaviors. I agree with them. That is why I never mentioned a biblical injunction because it is not needed in this context. The bible is actually quite easy to dismiss and debunk if that is my ambition.

    You are certainly correct in your note of thought vs. action. While studies show that men and women frequently admire and desire someone of the same sex, the percentage who act on these desires sexually is small. Children and youth will grow and mature through these episodes if they are left to themselves, without dysfunctional “adult” explanation and intervention.

    This is not true with men who act on their desire to have sex with someone other than their wife. Nature actually lends credence to the male attempt at having all the females.

    Concerning authority, this is why I referenced the scientific community and nature herself. Add the medical and psychiatric disciplines and we see that homosexuality is indeed a behavior, not a new form of human with a proud self-identity or protected status. (why skin color and ethnicity can’t be compared to sexual preference)

    We may indeed make laws that decriminalize these behaviors, but this will never free the conscience or repair the broken minds and bodies that are ever before us.

    This is what should bother all of us—- SUICIDE. WHETHER YOUTH, MILITARY OR GENERAL POPULACE. But the LGBTQ population is at even greater risk.

    “Males in the United States are more likely to take their own life at nearly four times the rate of females and represent 79% of all U.S. suicides. Suicide is the seventh leading cause of death for males in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are at even greater risk for suicide attempts, especially before the age of 25. A study of youth in grades 7-12 found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers. Some risk factors are linked to being gay or bisexual in a hostile environment and the effects that this has on mental health.” —CDC


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